Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cookin' out

So far in our marriage we have noticed a large difference in vocabulary when it comes to some things. We have graciously learned how to translate what the other is saying even if we don't always agree on what is actually correct. So for the rest of you, we thought we would provide a comparison of SoCal vocab to Ohio Valley vocab. You can decide for yourselves which is right, or just have fun using some new slang.

Californian Hoosiern
"Sup dude" = "Hey Y'all"
"Late" = "See ya"
"BBQ" = "Cooking out"
"Vacuum" = "Sweeper"
"Wash" = "Warsh"
"Beanie" = "Toboggan"
"Soda" = "Pop" or "Coke"
"Joy Riding" = "Hill Hoppin"
"Carl's Jr." = "Hardee's"


Jordan McCollum said...

Oh, and in that last category: Best Foods = Hellman's, Dryer's = Edy's

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious jess! I already miss you! I hope everything is going as planned with moving!