Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Falling into routine

(This picture is current at 20 weeks. Halfway done!)
Life is finally getting some routine to it again. Sean is really having a good time working at Service Net and I am actually having a lot of fun waitressing at my old job. I have still been applying to nursing jobs different places, but am not really having luck. We have been starting to get the apartment "baby ready" by making space for all the stuff. We find out Monday what we are having so we will be sure to let everyone know. Now that I have some extra time I am looking forward to trying some things I have always wanted to do. Things like crocheting (I think I spelled that right) and meal planning. I have also been put in charge of the budget and bill paying which I actually like doing. It saddens me sometimes that I am not nursing. I really miss my patients, but my dream was always to be a mom. Nursing was not really my passion, although I loved doing it, and I am excited to start doing what I think will be my passion. I get really excited to think that I don't have to miss out on anything or come home really stressed about a hard day. I will always try to keep up with my nursing (I worked too hard to get that degree), but a this point in my life I am concentrating on what I think is most important. That being my family and home. Jess


The Astle Family said...

I loved waitressing! People will tip you more since you're pregnant too! We can't wait to find out the gender of your baby. Its so fun watching how you're doing. I know that you miss nursing, but things will work out the way they are supposed to. Hang in there!

jess said...

Thanks guys... I guess it wouldn't be right to get everything I want :). Thanks for all the support and I will be sure to let everyone know how Monday goes.

Hendersons said...

We can't wait to hear today what you guys are having! I vote for another little boy in the family! But girls are pretty okay, too! :)

The Kings said...

Look how cute you are!!! You are tiny compared to me! My little boy decided to explode apparently cuz I got huge all of a sudden! You look great though! I'm sorry I haven't called lately-I need to so we can catch up!